Lab Services
propagation done right
Seed propagation:
We will work with both dry seed and green pods from most genera.
Wholesale deals can be arranged on request.
An upfront order initiation fee of $100 is required.
A minimum order quantity of 3 final flasks per pod sown is required.
Retail Price = $35 / flask
Payment for the final flasks is required at the time of shipping.
Shipping costs will be added to the final invoice.
Please review our FAQ, and contact us at
Please note that dry seeds will be inspected before billing. There are no fees collected on dry seed without embryo, but no flasking will take place. Green pods will always incur the intake fee at minimum.
If contamination or poor germination reduce your order to fewer flasks than the minimum quantity, you will only pay for what is shipped. We believe in fair and transparent pricing, ensuring you receive the best value for your investment.
If you want to send green pods, for best results, they should be close to mature.
Other lab services:
Ploidy conversion / Treatment to achieve 4N ploidy - $25 / flask
Coming Soon:
Meristem tissue culture
Attempted Virus Elimination (via meristem propagation).